Submit Open Images
The meeting is Thursday, November 14. Christopher Broughton has agreed to be our judge. Here is your opportunity to share your most interesting images. His work can be seen at:
Images should be submitted by 8 a.m. next Monday to be included in the judging. Matted or images on poster board will be accepted for judging at the meeting.
November 21 Mini-Workshop: Lloyd’s Lightroom Workflow
Lloyd Delaney will share how he has incorporated Lightroom into his post-processing workflow. He will take you from placing your files onto your computer to exporting an image and maybe a bit further. The workshop is designed to show you what can done be using this program and is not intended to make you an instant user. Many photographers do most of their cataloging, image editing, and printing all within Lightroom. Come, take a look.
A full Lightroom workshop is being done for our group in December by Natasha Calzatti, a post-production guru.
See the link for details: This workshop is limited to twelve member, so sign up soon.
Holiday PartyOur annual holiday party will be held at The Village on December 12. Please save the date. It will be a pot luck and you bring your own beverages. Beer and wine are ok along with your non-alcoholic favorites. The events committee will be organizing the event, so look for more details. Spouses and significant others are welcome.
San Fernando valley art and cultural center Photography Exhibit
The gallery exhibit for the month of January will be all photographs. We have the opportunity to submit images for this event. If you’ve never had your work displayed before here is your big opportunity! This is a judged event and there are prizes. Additionally, you may sell your work. Here is the link to details:
Give it your best shot...
Another Original Member Gone
We recently found out that another original F/Stops member died recently. Hal Endlich was a member for more than forty years. The family is have a private service and will have a memorial service for everyone in December. His address is 17025 Calahan St. Northridge, CA 91325 for those who wish to send a condolence card to his family.