Holiday Party
Our holiday party and fundraiser will be December 13, at The Village, 7 p.m. You should have already received an Evite. If you did receive an Evite, please email me at [email protected]. Please RSVP by December 7.
The party will feature your good company, the pot luck meal, a fundraising raffle, a book exchange, and more. So, bring some money and take away some new-to-you equipment. Bring any photography books you would like to give away.
We will be accepting membership renewals at the party. Dues are staying at $40 for the year.
Equipment Opportunity
fStops is offering new and used equipment (donated by members) for sale to members at a deep discount. You will find a button in the footer “Sale Items”. Click on it to see what is available.
Photo Event
The November photo event, “Light Painting with Bill Debley” was fantastic! It was the first time for most people attending to do light painting and Bill brought the magic. You can see images from the event here:
We look forward to having many more events next year.
New Year/New Format
We are looking forward to next year and the new meeting format. Our judge will come for two meetings. The first will feature an explanation of the next month’s assignment followed by judging of Open Images. The next month’s meeting will be for judging the assignment.
January/ February
Robert Fields will be our first judge. For January’s he will lecture on Movement and Motion, our assignment for February. He will also judge January’s assignment of Open Images. So, use December to let your creativity run wild. Let’s see what you’ve got! Mr. Fields will both critique the entries and lecture on our next assignment. Here is a link to his website: https://
Lesley Krane will be our judge. She will provide insights for our April assignment of Edges. In March she will judge Open Images. Here is a link to her website:
- Lloyd Delaney